The 2023Asia-Pacific Youth International Photography Contest and Exhibition,co-sponsored byAsia-Pacific HumanitiesMagazineandGuangdong Entrepreneurs Photography Society(with logos of both parties featured on the medals and certificates)and hosted by ACWA Media & Event, is now open to young photographers from all countries (regions)around the world.We sincerely welcomeyoung photographers aged 18 to 45 (as defined by the United Nations World Health Organization) to submit their works.


The publication of Australian Chinese Workers’Association, Asia-Pacific Humanities, organized the “Asia-Pacific Chinese International Photography AwardsContest” as a supporting activity of “Young LeadersBoot Camp”inthe special issueof commemorating the 65th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China in October 2014. Given the developmentof the pandemic since 2020, the Executive Committee of Australian Chinese Workers’Association transformed the theme of the “Young Leaders Boot Camp” into the “Asia-Pacific Youth International Photography Contest and Exhibition”, which has been held for two consecutive sessions in 2021 and 2022with a total of approximately 8,000 participants, thusreceiving high praise and widespread acclaim from all works of life and achieving unprecedented success.

The 2023 Asia-Pacific Youth International Photography Contest and Exhibition is committed to creating a world-class platform for photography submissions.With the concepts of youth, nature, diversity, and innovation, the contest of this year has introduced a special track for intangible cultural heritage, inviting submissions related to ancient architecture, customs, dance, celebrations, rituals, industrial scenes, and otherphotographsfrom Australia, China, and the rest of the world.


1. Co-sponsors:

Asia-Pacific Humanities Magazine

– Guangdong Entrepreneurs Photography Society

2. Co-hosting Organizations:

– Guangdong Madam Xian and Intangible Cultural Heritage Social Science Popularization Base

– Asia-Pacific International Intangible Cultural Heritage Commission

– Maoming Photographers Association

– Danmark RoyalPress

– The Website ofChinesephoto

– Australian Huangpu Descendants Association

– Asia-Pacific Intangible Cultural Heritage International Training Center

– Asia-Pacific Photography Academy

3. Organizers:

– ACWA Media & Event

4. Co-organizers:

– Malaysia Photographers Association

– Australian Victorian Chinese Photography Association

– New Zealand Merry Scenario Culture Media

Danmark Royal Press (

– Gaozhou Photographers Associationof China

– Maoming People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, and other pending organizations

5.Supporting Organizations (in no particular order, continuously updated):

– World Family Names Federation

– Guangdong Overseas Chinese Humanities Association

– The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Great Bay Area Association of Descendant and Relatives of Huangpu

– Shaanxi University Alumni Association

– China-Africa Cultural Exchanges Association

– Heilongjiang Chamber of Commerce in Africa

– Danmark-Hunan Chamber of Commerce

– Ukraine-Hunan Chamber of Commerce

– Women’s Federation ofRomania

– Meijia Public Welfare Network Alliance

– Australia-China Culture and Economic Promotion Association

– Silan Zhejiang Association

– Sun Yat-sen University-Silan Alumni Association

– Queensland Sichuan-Chongqing Association

– The Northwestern Chinese Association of Queensland Inc.

– Students and Scholars Associationofthe University of Queensland

– Students and Scholars Association of QueenslandUniversity of Technology

– Students and Scholars Association ofGriffith University

Photography and Cinematography Magazine Yubei Liaison Station

– Shiying Culture Media Club

– Shaanxi Zhongshi Hengtai Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd.

– Turkish Chinese Chamber of Commerce, and more…

6. International Accreditation Organizations:

– Global Photographic Union (GPU)

– Photographic Society of America (PSA)

7. Technical Standards Organizations:

– Global Photographic Union (GPU)

– Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique (FIAP)

– Global Photographic Union (GPU)

– Australia-China Society of Photographers(ASP)

– Australia-China Photography Society

8. Joint Publicity Partners (continuously updated):

– China Educational Channels Television

– Nanfang Daily

– AustralianChinese Daily

– AustralianNew Express Daily

– Perth Post

– AustraliaToday

– New Zealand News

– African Overseas Chinese Weekly

– China Times

– PortugueseChinese Daily, and almost 200 other media outlets from other countries…

9. Contracted Photography Bases:

– Gaozhou Xiantai Temple

– Sites ofHuangpu Military Academynationwide

10.Judging Committee

  • Australian Judges

– Wei Gang

Male, Chairman of Queensland Chinese Photographers Association and Chairman of the Judging Committee of Queensland Photographers Association.

– Liang Minxiong (Raymond Liang)

Male, with honorary titles including PPSA, EFIAP, FAPS, FADPA, certified judge of the Federation of Camera Clubs (FCC) in New South Wales, Australia. He has received hundreds of awards in various international photography contests and is known for his landscape photography, for instance, World Landscape Photography Competition Top 20 in 2017. He is featured as the Chinese photographer of the special coverage of Australian Photography, a leading Australian photography magazine.He is also an experienced landscape photographer of Tuchong. Meanwhile, he is the Chairman of the judging committeeof 2023 Asia-Pacific Youth International Photography Contest and Exhibitionand Vice-chairman of Australia-China Society of Photographers (ASP).

  • Malaysian Judges

– Lin Kexian

Male, Malaysian Chief Representative of the Asia-Pacific Youth International Photography Competition and the European Photography Association, Malaysian Representative of the Shanghai Jinbei Photography Salon Association, member of Fujian Society of Overseas Chinese Photographers. Awards: Silver Prize for Commerce& People Series in the 11th National Photographic Art Exhibition in Hong Kong; Gold Prize for Documentary Group in the 4th Knight Award International Photography Competition held by the European Photographic Association; Excellence Award in the Canon EOS R5/R6Sharing Eco-BeautyGlobal Photography Competitionin China; and First Prize in the Photography Competition of MY Precious Malaysia organized by Tourism and Culture Bureau of Malaysia; Third Prize in the “Advancing With the Belt and Road” Malaysian Photography Competition; Excellence Award in the China finals.

  • Domestic Judges

– Wei Dehua

Female, CEO of Chinesephoto, Vice Secretary-General of the China Society of Overseas Chinese Photographers, Honorary Advisor of the China Society of Overseas Chinese Photographers in Hong Kong, Vice-chairman of Shanghai Microshots Photography Researching Association, Honorary Award of Shanghai International Langjingshan Photography Art and Charity Award. She has served as a judge in various large-scale photography contests and has received international awards for her works.

-Xiao Guangzhou

Male, Vice-chairman of the Zhanjiang Photographers Association, is a professional photographer with a strong evaluation ability and extensive experience for photography . He has also won lots of awards in domestic and international photography competitions.

– Han Shiqi

Male, Vice-chairman of the Hunan Photographers Association and Honorary Chairman of the judging committee of 2023 Asia-Pacific Youth International Photography Contest and Exhibition..

– Fu Xiaojun

Male, Member of the Gansu Photographers Association and Fellow of the Gansu Modern Photography Association. He is a contracted photographer for platforms like Visual China, Tuchong, and Qian Tu, publishing dozens of photographs in magazinessuch as Chinese Photographers, Modern Photography, Gansu Vision. He specializes in documentary and artistic photography and image editing, with strong reviewing skills.

– Sun Jun

Male, landscape photographer, Member of the China Photographers Association and the JiangsuPhotographers Association. His works have been selected in various national and international photography exhibitions and competitions including National Photographic Art Exhibition, “Birch Cup” National Creative Photography Competition, “Langjingshan Cup”Picturesque China Photography Exhibition, China White Swan International Photography Exhibition and other domestic exhibitions along with OlympusGlobal GrandPrix, Kase Global Photography Contest and other international exhibitions. His works have won quantities of awards in various national photography competitions organized by the China Photographers Association, Popular Photography, China Photographic Newspaper, Chinese National Geography, and China Photography Press.

– Yu Rongsong

Male, Vice-chairman of Headquarters of the China Travel &Photography Network, member of the China Workers’ Photographers Association,Editor-in-chief of Shiyin Culture Media and Photography and Cinematography Magazine Yubei Liaison Station. He has organized and curated a serious of exhibitions, including Pingyao International Photography Exhibition and Hundred Artists’ Photography Exhibition in 2019-2023 and Beijing International Photography Week in 2022, and the World Landmarks Art Exhibition in 2022, etc.

Submission Guidelines

1. Theme Categories:

(1) Photojournalism:

Works in this category should consist of images with informational content and emotional impact, reflecting the presence of humanity in our world. The news (storytelling) value of the image should take precedence over image quality. Images that distort facts, such as those specifically-arranged for photography or thoseintentionally-directed or -hired for photography, are not eligible.

(2) Portraits:

Works in this category should focus on portraits of people, using the language of photography to express the subjects.

(3) Flora and Fauna:

Works in this category is featuredby subjects such as animals, plants, still life, microshots, and other types.

(4) Architecture:

Works in this categoryare tocapture architecture as the subject, using the language ofphotography to highlight the beauty of ancient and modernarchitectural styles,

(5) Intangible Cultural Heritage:

Works in this categoryare centered around the theme of intangible cultural heritage, including traditional oral literature, traditional fine arts, traditional craftsmanship, traditional rituals, festivals, and other aspects of intangible cultural heritage.

2. Submission Requirements and Instructions

(1) Submissions for this contest are open from now until November 25, 2023.

(2) It is open to all amateurphotography enthusiastsand professionals alikeof youthsworldwide, regardless of nationality, skin color, language, etc. (The term“Youths” here follows the definition by the United Nations World Health Organizationranging from18to 65 years old.)

(3) Works can be in black and white or in color. The same participant can choosedifferent categories for their submissions, but the same piece of work cannot be repeatedly submitted, to different categories. There are no limitation on the time of the creation.

(4) No registration fee will be charged for this contest.

(5) Each work should be accompanied by a textdescription, including the name of the work, the shooting timeand place, event, creation aspiration, up to 100 words.

(6) Submission Requirements:

   A. Format: JPEG, with the file extension .jpg, acceptable for both lowercase and uppercase.

   B. Dimensions: Not exceeding 1920 pixels in width and 1080 pixels in height.

   C. File size: Not exceeding 2MB.

   D. Chinese Name of the Work: Up to 15 Chinese characters (including spaces), no punctuation or special characters is allowed, such as”” : . ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) { } | + : <> ? 。” ” ;.

   E. The2023contesthas addedworks for English names for the purposeof PSA recording. The English name should not exceed 35 characters (no special characters is allowed, such as “”:. ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) { } | + :<> ? 。””,except for spaces), and should be in all uppercase.

   F. The work should not have any kind of border or watermarks, or text containing the participant’s name, identity information, the name ofthe work, work description, etc. Each submission must have only one namethat cannot be the same with others.

(7) Submitted works and photographer introductions will have the opportunity to be published in a special issue of Asia-Pacific Humanitieson the topic of Asia-Pacific Youth International Photography Contest.

(8) Winners will obtain the chance to be invited to the opening event of the Asia-Pacific Youth International Photography Contest and Exhibition,as well as to participate in lectures, workshops, media meetings and other activities.

(9) Outstanding winners may be invited as our guest photographers to participate in a series of follow-up activities and other related business.

(10) All theparticipants should own independent and complete copyrights for their works and also guarantee the originality of their submission without violatinganycopyrights, portrait rights, reputation rights, privacy rights and other legitimate rights and interests of any third party.

(11) Once the submission is completed, based on the time of sending the work to the email address,we assume that participants have fully agreed to all the contents of this contest.All submitted photos will not be returned and subjected to the sponsor’s absolute rights to usewithout any chargesfor the award-winning works.

(12) Any legal responsibilities resulting from a participant’s personal violation of the above terms and conditions shall be borne solely by the participanthimself/herself, and the hosts and organizers shall not be held responsiblefor damages.


Awards for Submissions:

In each primary category, the following awards will be set:

– First Prize (Gold Prize): 3 winners, presented with medals and certificates.

– Second Prize (Silver Prize): 6 winners, presented with medals and certificates.

– Third Prize (Bronze Prize): 10 winners, presented with medals and certificates.

Special Honor Awards and Awards of Excellence will be granted by the judges based on the actual number and content of submissions (small-proportioned; unspecified).In accordance with past practice, the Organizing Committee will only provide electronic versions of these awards. The production and shipping costs of physical certificates and medals will be paid by the winners themselves.

(Note: The announcement of award winners in all primary categories is scheduled for June 30, 2024.)

Outstanding Organizational Contributions Award:

Based on the number of organizational recommendations,submissions, and winnersfrom the organizations(or individuals)of works, the Organizing Committee will select several outstanding institutions and award them the Asia-Pacific Youth International Photography Contest Outstanding Organizational Contribution Award. Photographic organizations, institutions, mediaandwebsites around the world are welcome to send their submissions as a group.

Submission Method

1. Participants should complete the registration form:

Download the registration form and fill it out as required (participants can download it from the section of“Contest Official Website Photography Contest/Call for submissions”or by replying “Photography Submission”throughour official WeChat account-Australian Chinese Services).

2. Participants should submit their works:

Participants should package their electronic files of the works along with the completed registration form and send them to the submission email:

Note: Participants are required to carefully read the information related to submissions above.All packages must be named as “Name + Asia-Pacific Youth International Photography Contest andExhibition.

2023 Asia-Pacific Youth International Photography Contest

and Exhibition Organizing Committee

August 3, 2023

We welcome relevant organizations and individuals to contact us forcommunication andcooperation.

Contact Numbers: Bai Jinyu 19881527354

Shi Mengdan 18086536424

Contact Email Address:

WeChat Official Account: Australian Chinese Services

New EraNew StyleNew Vision

Great works come from capturing every moment around us with care!

Scan and download the registration form

Australian Chinese Service Platform

Australian Chinese Workers’Association Official Website(Campaigns/International Photography Contest/Notice of Call

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