Mission and Vision

Australia provides one of the best lands for the people to live in, work on and to achieve their Australian dreams. But for some people from cultural and linguistically diverse backgrounds, to reach this good thing which is equally presented to all of the people standing on the land we all share with each other, they have to surmount various difficulties which some other communities may never experience, therefore, they need a special organization to represent their benefit and voice, and to provide relevant and essential service to help them to settle down, get the necessary social resource to achieve their Australian dreams. Australian Chinese Workers Association(ACWA) is established with the purpose to help and serve not only the people from Chinese background but also the other community groups which may need our help and service with all of the efforts we can apply within the law.


The mission of ACWA are as follows:

  1. To provide social and legal service in the aspects of living and working;
  2. To provide employment consulting service;
  3. To provide social service to the people unemployed;
  4. To provide education and training courses to enhance employment opportunity;
  5. To provide workshops, seminars, activities and so on to help the people to get used to the social system;
  6. To provide childcare, tutoring, Chinese school, English training program, aged care, immigration, and the other community services;
  7. To provide relevant channel to help the people to start their enterprise;
  8. To provide relevant channel to help the people to enjoy the everyday life in the aspects of shopping, housing, investing and so on;
  9. To organize social service and activities to improve local condition on the aspects of transportation, education, environmental protection, social security, multi-culture, international investment, economic cooperation and so on;